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Case 11: Long term lower back problem


almost 60




Symptom(s) & the cause

after falling off the horse lower back pain and discomfort for more than 30 years. She has been having lots of treatments. has healed temporally, but not permanently. so looking for the ultimate treatment.


standing cause her pain in lower back, pain scale 4/10. extension very limited range of motion with great pain (as pictured below), Kemp test reveals the quality of movement is very poor. couldn't move without pain.

knee height differs by 2 cm, meaning her pelvis is out of alignment significantly.

Treatment received

1st treatment (75 minutes) picture below. no pain has been felt with this movement. the range of motion on each movement has greatly improved and the quality of it has been improved as well. loose whole tight muscles, including glute max, med, and mini, hamstring, calves, anterior tibialis, increase the range of motion of bilateral ankles, stretching calves.

after 3rd visit no pain and no discomfort at all. so we modify the treatment forcusing for maintenance, adding more relaxing component.

-after 4 th visit, she has told me that she joined the walking race and has achieved 37 km long walk and her back pain has still not come back :)

after 4 th visit she has told me that she joined the walking race and has achieved 37 km long walk and her back pain has still not come back :)

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